Characterization of in band stray light in SBUV/2 instruments
Abstract. Significant in-band stray light (IBSL) error at solar zenith angle (SZA) values larger than 77° near sunset in 4 SBUV/2 (Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet) instruments, on board the NOAA-14, 17, 18 and 19 satellites, has been characterized. The IBSL error is caused by large surface reflection and scattering of the air-gapped depolarizer in front of the instrument's monochromator aperture. The source of the IBSL error is direct solar illumination of instrument components near the aperture rather than from earth shine. The IBSL contamination at 273 nm can reach 40% of earth radiance near sunset, which results in as much as a 50% error in the retrieved ozone from the upper stratosphere. We have analyzed SBUV/2 albedo measurements on both the dayside and nightside to develop an empirical model for the IBSL error. This error has been corrected in the V8.6 SBUV/2 ozone retrieval.