14 May 2013
 | 14 May 2013
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

Total columns of H2O measured from the ground and from space at Observatoire de Haute-Provence in France (44° N)

S. Alkasm, A. Sarkissian, P. Keckhut, A. Pazmino, F. Goutail, M. Pinharanda, and S. Noël

Abstract. In this work, we compare vertical column density of water vapour measured at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, Southern France (5° 42' E, +43° 55' N). Data were obtained by three satellite sensors, GOME, GOME 2 and SCIAMACHY, and by two ground-based spectrometers, Elodie and SAOZ. These five instruments are able to measure total column density of water vapour in the visible and have different principles of observation. All these instruments reproduce the total column water vapour with good accuracy. The mean difference between the satellite measurements, ground-based measurements, and between both types, are quantified. The diurnal cycle of water vapour above the station and its variability with latitude have been investigated. The differences between these data sets are due sometimes to the differences in the time of the measurements, or to the differences in the geometry of observations, or also due to both effects. The effect of land and sea and the effect of the season on the total column water vapour has been analysed. The global agreement between our data sets range from 10% in summer to 25% in winter, improved significantly when observations are closer in time and location.

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S. Alkasm, A. Sarkissian, P. Keckhut, A. Pazmino, F. Goutail, M. Pinharanda, and S. Noël
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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S. Alkasm, A. Sarkissian, P. Keckhut, A. Pazmino, F. Goutail, M. Pinharanda, and S. Noël
S. Alkasm, A. Sarkissian, P. Keckhut, A. Pazmino, F. Goutail, M. Pinharanda, and S. Noël


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