31 Mar 2015
 | 31 Mar 2015
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

A method to derive the Site Atmospheric State Best Estimate (SASBE) of ozone profiles from radiosonde and passive microwave data

E. Maillard Barras, A. Haefele, R. Stübi, and D. Ruffieux

Abstract. We present a method to derive the site atmospheric state best estimate (SASBE) of the ozone profile combining brightness temperature spectra around the 142 GHz absorption line of ozone measured by the microwave radiometer SOMORA and ozone profiles measured by the radiosonde (RS). The SASBE ozone profile is obtained using the radiosonde ozone profile as a priori information in an optimal estimation retrieval of the SOMORA radiometer. The resulting ozone profile ranges from ground up to 65 km altitude and makes optimal use of the available information at each altitude. The high vertical resolution of the radiosonde profile can be conserved and the uncertainty of the SASBE is well defined at each altitude.

A SASBE ozone profile dataset has been generated for Payerne, Switzerland, with a temporal resolution of 3 profiles a week for the time period ranging from 2011 to 2013. The relative difference of the SASBE ozone profiles to the AURA/MLS ozone profiles lies between −3 to 6% over the vertical range of 20–65 km. Above 20 km, the agreement between the SASBE and AURA/MLS ozone profiles is better than the agreement between the operational SOMORA ozone data set and AURA/MLS. Below 20 km the SASBE ozone data are identical to the radiosonde measurements.

The same method has been applied to ECWMF-ERA interim ozone profiles and SOMORA data to generate a SASBE dataset with a time resolution of 4 profiles per day. These SASBE ozone profiles agree between −4 and +8% with AURA/MLS. The improved agreement of the SASBE datasets with AURA/MLS above 20 km demonstrates the benefit of better a priori information in the retrieval of ozone from brightness temperature data.

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E. Maillard Barras, A. Haefele, R. Stübi, and D. Ruffieux
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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E. Maillard Barras, A. Haefele, R. Stübi, and D. Ruffieux
E. Maillard Barras, A. Haefele, R. Stübi, and D. Ruffieux


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Short summary
We report on a method to combine simultaneous radiosonde and microwave radiometer measurements in order to obtain the SASBE of the vertical ozone distribution above Payerne, Switzerland. The two measurements are combined by using the radiosonde ozone profile as a priori information in the optimal estimation retrieval of the microwave radiometer. A comparison of the SASBE ozone profiles with AURA/MLS ozone profiles is presented.