02 Sep 2016
 | 02 Sep 2016
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

Retrieval of effective aerosol diameter from satellite observations

Humaid Al Badi, John Boland, and David Bruce

Abstract. Dust aerosol particle size plays a crucial role in determining dust cycle in the atmosphere and the extent of its impact on the other atmospheric parameters. The in-situ measurements of dust particle size are very costly, spatially sparse and time-consuming. This paper presents an algorithm to retrieve effective dust diameter using infrared band brightness temperature from SEVIRI (the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfaRed Imager) on the Meteosat satellite. An empirical model was constructed that directly relates differences in brightness temperatures of 8.7, 10.8 and 12.0 μm bands to effective dust diameter using the Mie extinction efficiency factor. Three case studies are used to test the model. The results showed consistency between the model and in-situ aircraft measurements. A severe dust storm over the Middle-East is presented to demonstrate the use of the model. This algorithm is expected to contribute to filling the gap created by the discrepancies between the current size distributions retrieval techniques and aircraft measurements. Potential applications include enhancing the accuracy of atmospheric modelling and forecasting horizontal visibility and solar energy system performance over regions affected by dust storms.

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Humaid Al Badi, John Boland, and David Bruce
Humaid Al Badi, John Boland, and David Bruce
Humaid Al Badi, John Boland, and David Bruce


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Short summary
This method is to retrieve dust aerosol diameter using infrared satellite image. Dust particle diameter is an important parameter in the dust cycle which is part of the earth system. It can help to understand our eco-system, mitigate dust storms hazards and contribute to building reliable renewable energy system in the regions affected by dust storms.