22 Sep 2016
 | 22 Sep 2016
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Research on Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles from combined Ground-based Microwave Radiometer and Cloud Radar Observations

Yunfei Che, Shuqing Ma, Fenghua Xing, Siteng Li, and Yaru Dai

Abstract. This paper focuses on the retrieval of temperature and relative humidity profiles through combining ground-based microwave radiometer observations with those of millimeter-wavelength cloud radar. The cloud-base height and cloud thickness from the cloud radar were added into the atmospheric profile retrieval process, and a back propagation neural network method was used as the retrieval tool.

Because substantial data are required to train a neural network, and microwave radiometer data are insufficient for this purpose, eight years of radiosonde data from Beijing were used as a database. The model MonoRTM was used to calculate the brightness temperature of the same channel as the microwave radiometer. Part of the cloud-base height and cloud thickness in the training dataset was also estimated using the radiosonde data.

The accuracy of the results was analyzed by comparing with L-band sounding radar data, and quantified using the mean bias, root-mean-square error and correlation coefficient. The statistical results showed that inversion with cloud information was the optimal method. Compared with the inversion profiles without cloud information, the RMSE values after adding the cloud information were to a varying degree reduced for the vast majority of height layers. These reductions were particularly clear in layers with cloud present. The maximum reduction of RMSE for temperature was 2.2 K, and for the humidity profile was 16 %.

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Yunfei Che, Shuqing Ma, Fenghua Xing, Siteng Li, and Yaru Dai

Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Yunfei Che, Shuqing Ma, Fenghua Xing, Siteng Li, and Yaru Dai
Yunfei Che, Shuqing Ma, Fenghua Xing, Siteng Li, and Yaru Dai


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Latest update: 29 Mar 2025

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Short summary
The way of measuring atmospheric profiles by the microwave radiometer is relatively mature. However, it is existing great uncertainty in cloudy condition, especially humidity profiles. This research achieved a significant improvement on the retrieval atmospheric humidity profiles in the cloud weather through combined microwave radiometer and millimeter-wavelength cloud radar.