31 Mar 2017
 | 31 Mar 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

Characterization of a wind turbine wake evolving over an intertidal zone performed with dual-lidar observations

Changzhong Feng, Bingyi Liu, Songhua Wu, Jintao Liu, Rongzhong Li, and Xitao Wang

Abstract. As modern wind power industry quickly develops, it is of high priority to optimize layouts and operations of wind turbines to reduce the influences of wakes induced by upstream wind turbines. The wake behaves complicatedly with land ocean-atmosphere interactions. This complex wake could be observed by two or more synchronously operated Doppler lidars. Accordingly, we characterized a wind turbine wake evolving over an intertidal zone performed with dual-lidar observations. Dynamic process of wakes merging that occurred from approximately 1 D (rotor diameter) downstream was captured and analysed. The phenomenon that wake length increased with rising tide was analysed in details. It suggested that the increase of wake length varied with underlying surface roughness transition from mud to sea water as well as the rising sea level. Finally, wake meandering cases were analyzed in detail. Our research shows that the dual-lidar observation technology is a promising remote sensing tool for characterization of complicated wind turbine wakes.

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Changzhong Feng, Bingyi Liu, Songhua Wu, Jintao Liu, Rongzhong Li, and Xitao Wang
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Changzhong Feng, Bingyi Liu, Songhua Wu, Jintao Liu, Rongzhong Li, and Xitao Wang
Changzhong Feng, Bingyi Liu, Songhua Wu, Jintao Liu, Rongzhong Li, and Xitao Wang


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Short summary
To characterize wind turbine wake over the intertidal zone, we performed a dual-lidar experiment with tilted scanning stragety. Advantage of this technology lies in its adaptation in various wind directions as well as high accuracy and high spatial and temporal resolution. Wind turbine wakes merging, the phenomenon of wake length increasing with rising tide and wake meandering were observed and analyzed in details. It is a promising remote sensing tool to charecterize wind turbine wakes.