14 Jun 2018
 | 14 Jun 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

In-situ sounding of radiation flux profiles through the Arctic lower troposphere

Ralf Becker, Marion Maturilli, Rolf Philipona, and Klaus Behrens

Abstract. In-situ profiles of all four net radiation components were obtained at Ny Ålesund/Svalbard (78.9° N, 11.9° E) in the time frame May 04–21, 2015. Measurements could be performed using adapted high quality instrumentation classified as secondary standard carried by a tethered balloon system. Balloon lifted measurements of albedo under clear sky conditions demonstrate the altitude dependence of this parameter over heterogeneous terrain. Depending on the surface composition within the sensor's footprint, the albedo over predominantly snow covered surfaces was found to decrease to 53.4 % and 35.8 % compared to 73.1 % and 78.8 % measured with near surface references, respectively. Albedo profiles show an all-sky maximum at 150 m above surface level, and an averaged vertical change rate of −2.1 %/100 m (clear sky) and −3.4 %/100 m (overcast) above. Profiling of arctic low-level clouds reveals distinct vertical gradients in all radiation fluxes but longwave upward. Observed radiative cooling at cloud top with heating rates of −53 to −84 K/d in subsequent observations tend to be lower than suggested by 1-D simulations.

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Ralf Becker, Marion Maturilli, Rolf Philipona, and Klaus Behrens
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Ralf Becker, Marion Maturilli, Rolf Philipona, and Klaus Behrens
Ralf Becker, Marion Maturilli, Rolf Philipona, and Klaus Behrens


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