20 Feb 2020
 | 20 Feb 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Real time automatic cloud detection using a low-cost sky camera

Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos

Abstract. Characterizing the atmosphere is one of the most complex studies to undertake due to the non-linearity and phenomenological variability. Clouds are also amongst the most variable of the atmospheric constituents, changing their size and shape over a short period of time. There are several sectors in which the study of cloudiness is of vital importance. In the renewable field, the increasing development of solar technology and the emerging trend for constructing and operating solar plants across the earth's surface requires very precise control systems that provide optimal energy production management. Likewise, airports are hubs where cloud coverage is required to provide high-precision periodic observations that inform airport operators about the state of the atmosphere. This work presents an autonomous cloud detection system, in real time, based on the digital image processing of a low-cost sky camera. The system's overall success rate is approximately 94% for all types of sky conditions.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos
Joaquín Alonso-Montesinos


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025

This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
The study of cloudiness is of vital importance in different fields of applications, like in solar technology to provide optimal energy production management, or in airports areas where cloud coverage is required to provide high-precision periodic observations that inform airport operators about the state of the atmosphere. This work presents an autonomous cloud detection system using a low-cost sky camera, with a success rate of approximately 94 % for all types of sky conditions.