07 Nov 2024
 | 07 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate estimated from a WindCube Doppler Lidar and the LQ7 1.3 GHz radar wind profiler in the convective boundary layer

Hubert Luce and Masanori Yabuki

Abstract. From 21 August to 15 September 2022, a WindCube v2 Infrared coherent Doppler Lidar (DL) supplied by EKO Co. (Japan) was deployed at the Shigaraki MU Observatory (Japan) near the LQ7 UHF (1.357 GHz) wind profiler in routine operation. Horizontal and vertical velocity measurements from DL were reliably obtained in the [40–300] m height range with vertical and temporal resolutions of 20 m and 4 seconds, respectively. The LQ7 wind measurements are collected with range and temporal resolutions of 100 m and 59 s, respectively, and 10-min average profiles are calculated after data quality control. Reliable LQ7 Doppler data are collected from the height of 400 m. Despite the lack of overlap in the height range, we compared the Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) dissipation rate ε in the daytime planetary boundary layer estimated by the two instruments. A method based on the calculation of the one-dimensional transverse line spectrum of the vertical velocity W from mean W time series (TS method) was applied to DL ( εDL). The same method was also applied to 1-min LQ7 data (εLQ7TS) to assess its performance with respect to DL despite the poorer time resolution. A more standard method based on the Doppler Spectral width (DS) was also applied to LQ7 ( εLQ7DS) from the 10-min average profiles. We tested recently proposed models of the form ε=σ3/L where σ is half the spectral width corrected for non-turbulent effects and L is assumed to be a constant or a fraction of the depth D of the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL). The main results are: (1) For the deepest CBLs (max(D) >~1.0 km ) that develop under high atmospheric pressure, the time-height cross-sections of εLQ7DS and εDL show very consistent patterns and do not show any substantial gaps in the transition region of 300–400 m when εLQ7DS is evaluated with L~70 m, which is found to be about one tenth of the average of the CBL depth (L~0.1D) . (2) Hourly mean εDL averaged over the [100–300] m height range is on average about twice the hourly mean εLQ7TS averaged over the [400–500] m height range when D >~1.0 km. (3) Hourly mean εDL averaged over the [100–300] m height range and hourly mean εLQ7DS averaged over the [400–500] m height range with L~0.1 D are identical on average. Consistent with the fact that ε is expected to decrease slightly with height in the mixed layer, (2) and (3) imply an uncertainty as to the exact value of the L / D ratio: ~0.1 D < L <~0.2 D. We have also studied in detail the case of a shallow (D <~0.6 km) convective boundary layer that developed under low atmospheric pressure and cloudy conditions. Despite the fact that hourly mean εDL averaged over the [100–300] m height range and hourly mean εLQ7TS averaged over the [400–500] m height range show more significant discrepancies, maybe due to the different properties of the shallow convection, the time-height cross-sections of εDL and εLQ7DS show more consistent patterns and levels.

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Hubert Luce and Masanori Yabuki

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on amt-2024-111', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 Dec 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on amt-2024-111', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Dec 2024
Hubert Luce and Masanori Yabuki
Hubert Luce and Masanori Yabuki


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Short summary
For around 3 weeks, simultaneous measurements were carried out with a Doppler lidar and a UHF wind profiler at the Shigaraki MU observatory, Japan. Despite the lack of range overlap between the instruments, the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate was estimated from both measurements using different methods in convective boundary layers. Hourly averaged estimates compare well (within a factor of ~2), indicating that instruments and methods provide consistent values of dissipation rates.