10 Oct 2024
 | 10 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Development of accurate and stable primary standard gas mixtures for global atmospheric acetonitrile monitoring: evaluating adsorption loss and long-term stability

Baigali Tsogt, Ji Hwan Kang, Seok-Young Oh, and Sangil Lee

Abstract. Acetonitrile plays an important role in atmospheric processes and serves as a key tracer of biomass burning, the major emission source of primary carbonaceous particles and trace gases in the global atmosphere. Recognizing its significance, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) has designated acetonitrile as one of the target volatile organic compounds for global atmospheric monitoring, aiming for data quality better than 20 % accuracy and 15 % precision. Meeting the objectives of the WMO GAW program requires accurate and stable calibration standards with uncertainties of less than 5 %. In this study, we explored the feasibility of gravimetry for developing primary standard gas mixtures (PSMs) in three different types of aluminium cylinders, each with distinct internal surface treatments, at nmol mol-1 and µmol mol-1 levels with a relative expanded uncertainty of less than 5 %. We found that all three types of cylinders were inadequate, without further passivation, for developing acetonitrile PSMs below 10 nmol mol-1 due to significant adsorption losses (6 %–49 %) onto the cylinder's inner surface. To overcome this challenge, we prepared acetonitrile gas mixtures at 100 nmol mol-1 using a modified gravimetric method and at 10 µmol mol-1 using a conventional gravimetric method and then evaluated their long-term stability. Results showed that the effect of the adsorption loss at 100 nmol mol-1 and 10 µmol mol-1 was negated and negligible, respectively. Stability results show that we can disseminate acetonitrile calibration standards at both 100 nmol mol-1 and 10 µmol mol-1 with a relative expanded uncertainty of 3 % and 1 %, respectively (with an expiration period of 3 years), meeting the target uncertainty of the WMO GAW program. Further research is still needed to develop accurate and stable acetonitrile calibration standards below 10 nmol mol-1 that are closer to atmospheric levels.

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Baigali Tsogt, Ji Hwan Kang, Seok-Young Oh, and Sangil Lee

Status: open (until 14 Nov 2024)

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Baigali Tsogt, Ji Hwan Kang, Seok-Young Oh, and Sangil Lee
Baigali Tsogt, Ji Hwan Kang, Seok-Young Oh, and Sangil Lee


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Short summary
We tested different cylinders and methods to create standard gas mixtures of acetonitrile, a chemical important for understanding air quality and climate change. We found making accurate mixtures at very low levels challenging due to the gas sticking to cylinder walls. However, we successfully created stable mixtures at higher levels. These can be used as reliable standards for global air monitoring. More research is needed to develop methods for making accurate mixtures at lower levels.