04 Nov 2024
 | 04 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Correcting for water vapor diffusion in air bag samples for isotope composition analysis: cases studies with drone-collected samples

Di Wang, Camille Risi, Lide Tian, Di Yang, Gabriel Bowen, Siteng Fan, Yang Su, Hongxi Pang, and Laurent Li

Abstract. Traditional methodologies, such as mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy, have been widely employed for precise water vapor isotope measurements. Nevertheless, these techniques are limited by logistical challenges in fieldwork, consequently constraining the temporal and spatial resolution of measurements. Specifically, water vapor isotope measurements are primarily limited to near-surface levels, while measurements associated with processes aloft connecting tropospheric water vapor to surface precipitation are notably scarce. Portable sampling devices, such as air bags and glass bottles, have therefore become necessary alternatives for collecting, storing, and transporting gaseous samples in diverse environments prior to analysis with less portable instruments. In drone-based high-altitude vapor sampling, air bags are preferred for their lighter weight and greater flexibility compared to glass bottles. Nevertheless, they present specific challenges, such as potential sample contamination and isotopic fractionation during storage, primarily due to the inherent permeability of air bags. Here, we developed a theoretical model for water vapor diffusion through the sampling bag surface, with parameters calibrated through laboratory experiments. This model enables the reconstruction of the initial isotopic composition of sampled vapor based on measurements obtained within the bag and from the surrounding environment. We applied this correction method to air samples collected at various pressures up to the upper troposphere using an air bag-mounted drone that we developed, thereby estimating the initial isotopic composition and uncertainty based on our observations. The corrected observations closely match the IASI satellite data. Our correction method significantly enhances the reliability and applicability of water vapor isotope observations conducted using drones equipped with air bags. This approach leverages the strengths of drone-based air bag sampling while mitigating its limitations, thus facilitating the convenient collection of isotopic data throughout the troposphere.

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Di Wang, Camille Risi, Lide Tian, Di Yang, Gabriel Bowen, Siteng Fan, Yang Su, Hongxi Pang, and Laurent Li

Status: open (until 03 Jan 2025)

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Di Wang, Camille Risi, Lide Tian, Di Yang, Gabriel Bowen, Siteng Fan, Yang Su, Hongxi Pang, and Laurent Li

Model code and software

Correcting-for-water-vapor-diffusion Di Wang and Camille Risi

Di Wang, Camille Risi, Lide Tian, Di Yang, Gabriel Bowen, Siteng Fan, Yang Su, Hongxi Pang, and Laurent Li


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Short summary
We developed and validated a theoretical model for water vapor diffusion through sampling bags. This model accurately reconstructs the initial isotopic composition of the vapor samples. When applied to upper troposphere samples, the corrected data aligned closely with IASI satellite observations, enhancing the accuracy of drone-based measurements.