22 Nov 2024
 | 22 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Identification of multiple co-located hydrometeor types in Doppler spectra from scanning polarimetric cloud radar observations

Majid Hajipour, Patric Seifert, Hannes Griesche, Kevin Ohneiser, and Martin Radenz

Abstract. To date, there remains a noticeable gap in reliable techniques for retrieving the shape and orientation of ice particles from observational data. This paper introduces a method using ground-based polarimetric cloud radar to retrieve the shape and orientation of multiple hydrometeor types within deep mixed-phase clouds. Building on the strong performance of an existing method, which is effective in retrieving the shape and orientation of pristine ice particles in stratiform clouds, we extended this technique by analyzing the entire Doppler spectrum. The previously developed main-peak approach focuses on the maximum of the Doppler spectrum to retrieve the shape and orientation of the dominant hydrometeor types within stratiform clouds. In the extended technique, referred to as the spectrally resolved technique, the full Doppler spectrum is analyzed by dividing it into five parts, ultimately allowing the retrieval of five distinct hydrometeor types. In this study, we employed the technique for Range-Height Indicator (RHI) scans (ranging from 30° to 90° elevation) utilizing polarimetric Ka-band cloud radar observations of differential reflectivity (ZDR) and correlation coefficient (RHV) across the entire Doppler spectrum. The potential of the improved approach is presented by means of two case studies. The first case demonstrates the effectiveness of the spectrally resolved approach and in the second case secondary ice production is investigated. These findings contribute to a profound understanding of hydrometeor characteristics, shedding light on dynamic cloud processes, especially in the context of precipitation and ice particle formation.

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Majid Hajipour, Patric Seifert, Hannes Griesche, Kevin Ohneiser, and Martin Radenz

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Majid Hajipour, Patric Seifert, Hannes Griesche, Kevin Ohneiser, and Martin Radenz
Majid Hajipour, Patric Seifert, Hannes Griesche, Kevin Ohneiser, and Martin Radenz


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Short summary
This study presents an approach that enables the detection of the shape and orientation of multiple types of co-located hydrometeors in mixed-phase cloud systems. This information is key for improving the understanding of these clouds, as they do contain ice and liquid water simultaneously, making them relevant for the precipitation budget and radiative balance of the Earth's atmosphere. The retrieval is based on elevation scans of polarimetric cloud radars and can therefore be flexibly applied.