21 Jan 2025
 | 21 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Rain gauges and X-band radar hourly comparison under complex orographic conditions in Reunion Island during the passage of the cyclone Batsirai

Ambinintsoa Volatiana Ramanamahefa, Thiruvengadam Padmanabhan, Guillaume Lesage, and Joël Van Baelen

Abstract. Weather radar observations and quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) are in the early stages of development in the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region, which is prone to heavy rainfall, particularly during the passage of tropical cyclones. Given the topography of SWIO islands, orography plays an important role in the spatial distribution of precipitation. The ESPOIRS project was designed to investigate such dynamics in Reunion Island, Seychelles, and Madagascar using a mobile X-band radar. Reunion Island served as a testbed to evaluate X-band radar retrieved QPE using specific comparisons between several radar approaches and available rain gauges. This is the first study to use an X-band dual-polarization radar in the SWIO region. Our research focuses on the intense tropical cyclone event Batsirai in Reunion Island and shows the effectiveness of dual-polarization radar when compared to single-polarization radar in mitigating reflectivity attenuation. Both the Hitschfeld and Bordan and the philinear algorithms were employed and evaluated for this purpose. As our study encountered challenges related to noisy and low-resolution differential phase (𝜙𝑑𝑝) data, we detailed the pre-processing steps used to extract reliable 𝜙𝑑𝑝 data from the observed measurements. Furthermore, we tested two precipitation estimators, R(Z) and R(kdp). We observed that the accuracy of R(Z) depends on the attenuation correction method. Additionally, using the extracted 𝜙𝑑𝑝, we calculated an empirical model for R(kdp) for Reunion Island. This model provided better results compared to the R(Z) estimates, which can be explained by the fact that kdp is directly linked to precipitation concentration and does not require attenuation correction. Our findings highlight that the accuracy of the radar QPE is strongly influenced by local topography, which in turn governs local rainfall patterns, while the accuracy of QPE also depends on the type of precipitation.

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Ambinintsoa Volatiana Ramanamahefa, Thiruvengadam Padmanabhan, Guillaume Lesage, and Joël Van Baelen

Status: open (until 26 Feb 2025)

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Ambinintsoa Volatiana Ramanamahefa, Thiruvengadam Padmanabhan, Guillaume Lesage, and Joël Van Baelen
Ambinintsoa Volatiana Ramanamahefa, Thiruvengadam Padmanabhan, Guillaume Lesage, and Joël Van Baelen


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Short summary
This study examines quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) using X-band radar in Reunion, a mountainous island. Rain rate (R) was derived from reflectivity (Z) and specific differential phase (kdp) using the Z(R) and R(kdp) estimators. Z was corrected using the single-polarization Hitschfeld-Bordan (HB) and the dual-polarization philinear methods. Their strengths, limitations, and pre-processing steps were detailed. R(kdp) coefficients were calculated from radar observations.