18 Dec 2024
 | 18 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Spectral performance analysis of the Fizeau interferometer onboard ESA's Aeolus wind lidar satellite

Michael Vaughan, Kevin Ridley, Benjamin Witschas, Oliver Lux, Ines Nikolaus, and Oliver Reitebuch

Abstract. This paper presents an extensive investigation of the signal fringe profile for the Fizeau interferometer used in the first spaceborne wind lidar Aeolus, and considers the fundamental implications for the wind measurement accuracy in Aeolus and future systems. The early Aeolus design phase considered that the basic fringe would be made up of a Fizeau instrumental component of ≈ 100 MHz (FWHM), folded with the laser pulse spectral width of ≈ 50 MHz (FWHM), both of Lorentzian form. Fringe anomalies observed before the mission and related to surface defects in the interferometer plates, triggered the development of wave-optic methods for analysis of the fringe formation. These methods, herein described in an instructional Appendix, were subsequently found to be essential for rigorous modelling of complex fringes for different physical and optical arrangements. Initial signal returns from Aeolus suggested that the Fizeau fringe profile was in fact broadened with a large Gaussian component. The laser pulse was subsequently shown to have a profile close to Gaussian of ≈ 45 MHz (FWHM) and thus provided a partial contribution. However, detailed examination of experimental Aeolus fringes constructed from ground return signals, showed a large Gaussian component up to ≈ 130 MHz (FWHM). Wave-optic modelling established that Fizeau "aperture broadening", of this form and magnitude, would be generated for the input signal beam of 500 µrad field of view set at large angles of incidence of 300 µrad. These findings have strong implications for fringe shift and wind measurement accuracy, as given in the quantum limited Cramer-Rao expression and the paramount importance of minimising line width. Extensive modelling and simulation for the broadened profiles calculated above, shows good agreement with measured Aeolus global wind measurement accuracies, and indicates that loss of signal could be due to beam clipping at the field stop for such large AOI. It is established that optimisation of the present Aeolus Fizeau parameters could lead to a factor of 2.5 improvement in wind measurement precision. Future upgrades of the Fizeau interferometer and the laser within reasonable parameters, suggest the potential for an factor of 7.6 improvement on the present performance.

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Michael Vaughan, Kevin Ridley, Benjamin Witschas, Oliver Lux, Ines Nikolaus, and Oliver Reitebuch

Status: open (until 23 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on amt-2024-202', Anonymous Referee #1, 07 Jan 2025 reply
Michael Vaughan, Kevin Ridley, Benjamin Witschas, Oliver Lux, Ines Nikolaus, and Oliver Reitebuch
Michael Vaughan, Kevin Ridley, Benjamin Witschas, Oliver Lux, Ines Nikolaus, and Oliver Reitebuch


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Short summary
ESAs Aeolus mission, launched in 2018, has exceeded expectations, providing valuable global wind lidar data for nearly five years. Its data has improved weather forecasting, with Mie-cloudy winds proving especially precise. Challenges emerged, such as unexpected misalignments in signal angles and reduced signal levels due to beam clipping and laser issues. Lessons from Aeolus highlight the need for better optical alignment and active control systems for future lidar missions.