14 May 2024
 | 14 May 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

An Improvement of the One-dimensional Ocean Wave Description based on SWIM Observations

Yihui Wang and Xingou Xu

Abstract. The one-dimensional ocean wave spectra (1D spectra) describing the total energy of the ocean waves are vital for providing ocean surface roughness information in remote sensing simulations. Most existing wave spectrum models deviate from real ocean surface descriptions due to limitations of observation methods and approximation in theories applied to generating them. In this research, the widely applied Goda and Elfouhaily spectra in their 1-D form are compared with the remote sensing products from the Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring instrument (SWIM) on-board the China France Oceanography Satellite (CFOSAT). Differences between models and the measurements are addressed, then the causes are analyzed and concluded in terms of sea states. Then, a Combined spectrum (C spectrum) considering varied sea states is proposed as a closer model to the observations of the real sea, where parameterization of the spectral peak enhancement factor (γ) is achieved by the inverse wave age and wave steepness for multiple sea states. Then the specific values of the all-state sea are obtained from SWIM observations. The validation of the C spectrum is achieved by comparisons with SWIM measurements not utilized during the model establishment, and with buoy measurements. The difference index (DI) and the R-squared (R2), are calculated for evaluation of the results, indicating that the C spectrum demonstrates closer fitting to the SWIM and buoy measurements than both Goda and Elfouhaily spectra. The DI and R2 for the C spectrum are compared to the Goda spectrum, which is closer to SWIM measurements than E spectrum, and values are 0.780 and 0.909 respectively. Results suggest the C spectrum is suitable for providing information required for remote sensing applications. Further research would be focusing on implementing description in different azimuthal directions.

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Yihui Wang and Xingou Xu

Status: open (until 05 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on amt-2024-75', Wenming Lin, 07 Jul 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Xingou Xu, 13 Aug 2024 reply
Yihui Wang and Xingou Xu
Yihui Wang and Xingou Xu


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Short summary
Ocean surface can be characterized by the one-dimensional spectra models. Among them, the Goda and Elfouhaily spectra are well applied for remote sensing simulations. However, they do not consider well the sea state factor. In this research, based on them, we apply the spectra measured from the Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring instrument and establish a Combined spectrum. Validation indicates the established spectrum are closer to the SWIM described sea surface with varied sea states.