Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
03 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2017

Potential of multispectral synergism for observing ozone pollution by combining IASI-NG and UVNS measurements from the EPS-SG satellite

Lorenzo Costantino, Juan Cuesta, Emanuele Emili, Adriana Coman, Gilles Foret, Gaëlle Dufour, Maxim Eremenko, Yohann Chailleux, Matthias Beekmann, and Jean-Marie Flaud


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Short summary
Using current space-borne measurements from one spectral domain (TIR or UV), only ozone down to 3–4 km altitude may be observed with adequate vertical sensitivity. Here, we evaluate the potential of a new multispectral retrieval method that combines the information from TIR and UV measurements provided by the new-generation sensors IASI-NG and UVNS. Both are on board the upcoming EPS-SG satellite. This new IASI-NG+UVNS retrieval approach allows observations of ozone layers down to 2 km a.s.l.