Articles | Volume 10, issue 7
Research article
05 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 05 Jul 2017

The arctic seasonal cycle of total column CO2 and CH4 from ground-based solar and lunar FTIR absorption spectrometry

Matthias Buschmann, Nicholas M. Deutscher, Mathias Palm, Thorsten Warneke, Christine Weinzierl, and Justus Notholt

Abstract. Solar absorption spectroscopy in the near infrared has been performed in Ny-Ålesund (78.9° N, 11.9° E) since 2002; however, due to the high latitude of the site, the sun is below the horizon from October to March (polar night) and no solar absorption measurements are possible. Here we present a novel method of retrieving the total column dry-air mole fractions (DMFs) of CO2 and CH4 using moonlight in winter. Measurements have been taken during the polar nights from 2012 to 2016 and are validated with TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) measurements by solar and lunar absorption measurements on consecutive days and nights during spring and autumn. The complete seasonal cycle of the DMFs of CO2 and CH4 is presented and a precision of up to 0.5 % is achieved. A comparison of solar and lunar measurements on consecutive days during day and night in March 2013 yields non-significant biases of 0. 66 ± 4. 56 ppm for xCO2 and −1. 94 ± 20. 63 ppb for xCH4. Additionally a model comparison has been performed with data from various reanalysis models.

Short summary
The column averaged dry-air mole fractions of CO2 and CH4 (xCO2 and xCH4) of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) are retrieved from solar absorption Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry. At the Ny-Ålesund site in the high arctic, however, during the polar night no solar measurements are possible. Here, we present a new method to measure xCO2 and xCH4 using the moon as a light source in the near-infrared and present the complete seasonal cycles of xCO2 and xCH4.