Articles | Volume 10, issue 10
Research article
23 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 23 Oct 2017

Quantifying TOLNet ozone lidar accuracy during the 2014 DISCOVER-AQ and FRAPPÉ campaigns

Lihua Wang, Michael J. Newchurch, Raul J. Alvarez II, Timothy A. Berkoff, Steven S. Brown, William Carrion, Russell J. De Young, Bryan J. Johnson, Rene Ganoe, Guillaume Gronoff, Guillaume Kirgis, Shi Kuang, Andrew O. Langford, Thierry Leblanc, Erin E. McDuffie, Thomas J. McGee, Denis Pliutau, Christoph J. Senff, John T. Sullivan, Grant Sumnicht, Laurence W. Twigg, and Andrew J. Weinheimer


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Short summary
Intercomparisons have been made between three TOLNet ozone lidars and between the lidars and other ozone instruments during the 2014 DISCOVER-AQ and FRAPPÉ campaigns in Colorado. Overall, the TOLNet lidars are capable of measuring 5 min tropospheric ozone variations with accuracy better than ±15 % in terms of their vertical resolving capability and better than ±5 % in terms of their column average measurement. These results indicate very good measurement accuracy for the three TOLNet lidars.