Articles | Volume 10, issue 10
Research article
27 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 27 Oct 2017

The effects of different footprint sizes and cloud algorithms on the top-of-atmosphere radiative flux calculation from the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument on Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP)

Wenying Su, Lusheng Liang, Walter F. Miller, and Victor E. Sothcott


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Short summary
The footprint size of NPP CERES is larger than that of Aqua CERES, because the altitude of the NPP orbit is higher than that of the Aqua orbit. Additionally, the cloud retrievals from VIIRS and MODIS, the imagers that fly alongside NPP CERES and Aqua CERES, are also different. This paper outlined a simulation study using the MODIS pixel-level data to address the impact of these differences on the NPP CERES fluxes inverted using the Aqua CERES angular distribution models.