Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
Research article
14 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 14 Mar 2017

A comparison of vertical velocity variance measurements from wind profiling radars and sonic anemometers

Katherine McCaffrey, Laura Bianco, Paul Johnston, and James M. Wilczak

Data sets

XPIA, Experimental Planetary Boundary Layer Instrumentation Assessment Julie Lundquist and Jim Wilczak

Short summary
Using an optimized turbulence mode of two wind profiling radars (449 MHz and 915 MHz) during the XPIA field campaign, we present improved measurements of vertical velocity variance at the resolved and unresolved scales, using first and second Doppler spectral moments, and the total variance over all scales. Comparisons with sonic anemometers gave strong results, particularly during the daytime convective period. Profiles up to 2 km are possible with the 449 MHz WPR and 1 km from the 915 MHz WPR.