Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Research article
07 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 07 Sep 2018

Examination on total ozone column retrievals by Brewer spectrophotometry using different processing software

Anna Maria Siani, Francesca Frasca, Francesco Scarlatti, Arianna Religi, Henri Diémoz, Giuseppe R. Casale, Massimiliano Pedone, and Volodya Savastiouk


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Short summary
Total ozone columns (TOCs) measured by Brewer spectrophotometers located at Rome and Aosta (Italy) were calculated using different processing software packages, and the differences in the TOC retrievals are investigated. Large differences in TOC retrievals can be experienced when the instrumental sensitivity exhibits a long-term drift. The variability in TOC retrievals depends on the algorithm for calculating the standard lamp correction.