Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Research article
18 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 18 Sep 2018

The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment: review of in-flight performance and new reprocessed 1995–2011 level 1 product

Melanie Coldewey-Egbers, Sander Slijkhuis, Bernd Aberle, Diego Loyola, and Angelika Dehn


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Short summary
We present a detailed analysis of the long-term performance of the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) on-board ERS-2, which provided measurements of atmospheric constituents for the 16-year period from 1995 to 2011. By means of various in-flight calibration parameters, we monitor the behavior and stability during the entire mission. Furthermore, we introduce the new homogenized level 1 product generated using the recently developed GOME Data Processor Version 5.1.