Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
07 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 07 Jan 2019

Profiling of CH4 background mixing ratio in the lower troposphere with Raman lidar: a feasibility experiment

Igor Veselovskii, Philippe Goloub, Qiaoyun Hu, Thierry Podvin, David N. Whiteman, Mikhael Korenskiy, and Eduardo Landulfo


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Short summary
Methane is currently the second most important greenhouse gas of anthropogenic origin (after carbon dioxide) and its concentration can be increased inside the boundary layer. So, the development of instruments for vertical profiling of the methane mixing ratio is an important task. We present the results of methane profiling in the lower troposphere using LILAS Raman lidar from the Lille University observatory platform (France).