Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Research article
12 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 12 Mar 2019

An algorithm to retrieve ice water content profiles in cirrus clouds from the synergy of ground-based lidar and thermal infrared radiometer measurements

Friederike Hemmer, Laurent C.-Labonnote, Frédéric Parol, Gérard Brogniez, Bahaiddin Damiri, and Thierry Podvin


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Short summary
The paper presents a novel method to retrieve microphysical properties of cirrus clouds from the synergy of lidar and thermal infrared radiometer measurements. It highlights the advantages of combining two independent data sets resulting in a better characterization of the observed target. Our algorithm may help to improve the description of the backscattering features of the ice crystals composing the cloud and thereby improve our understanding of their interactions with atmospheric radiation.