Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
17 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2020

Studying boundary layer methane isotopy and vertical mixing processes at a rewetted peatland site using an unmanned aircraft system

Astrid Lampert, Falk Pätzold, Magnus O. Asmussen, Lennart Lobitz, Thomas Krüger, Thomas Rausch, Torsten Sachs, Christian Wille, Denis Sotomayor Zakharov, Dominik Gaus, Stephan Bansmer, and Ellen Damm


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Short summary
Methane has high climate warming potential. Sources of methane can be distinguished by the isotopic composition. To investigate the origin of methane, an airborne sampling system has been developed that can take air samples worldwide and at various altitudes. The article shows the performance of the overall system, from taking samples to laboratory analyses. As known methane source, a rewetted peatland site, was studied, and the vertical distribution of the isotopic composition is investigated.