Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Research article
14 May 2020
Research article |  | 14 May 2020

Mind the gap – Part 1: Accurately locating warm marine boundary layer clouds and precipitation using spaceborne radars

Katia Lamer, Pavlos Kollias, Alessandro Battaglia, and Simon Preval


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Short summary
According to ground-based radar observations, 50 % of liquid low-level clouds over the Atlantic extend below 1.2 km and are thinner than 400 m, thus limiting their detection from space. Using an emulator, we estimate that a 250 m resolution radar would capture cloud base better than the CloudSat radar which misses about 52 %. The more sensitive EarthCARE radar is expected to capture cloud cover but stretch cloud. This calls for the operation of interlaced pulse modes for future space missions.