Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) over the Paris megacity: 9 years of total column observations from ground-based infrared remote sensing
Benoît Tournadre
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
now at: Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy, MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
Pascale Chelin
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Mokhtar Ray
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Juan Cuesta
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Rebecca D. Kutzner
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Xavier Landsheere
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Audrey Fortems-Cheiney
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
now at: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement,
UMR 8212, CEA/Orme des Merisiers, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Jean-Marie Flaud
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
(LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Université
de Paris, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Frank Hase
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruher
Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Thomas Blumenstock
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruher
Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Johannes Orphal
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruher
Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Camille Viatte
Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), UMR CNRS 8190,
Sorbonne Université, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace,
Paris, France
Claude Camy-Peyret
L'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), UPMC/UVSQ, Paris, France
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10 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Do alternative inventories converge on the spatiotemporal representation of spring ammonia emissions in France? A. Fortems-Cheiney et al. 10.5194/acp-20-13481-2020
- Measurement report: Evolution and distribution of NH3 over Mexico City from ground-based and satellite infrared spectroscopic measurements B. Herrera et al. 10.5194/acp-22-14119-2022
- Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements of the Total Ammonia Content in the Vicinity of St. Petersburg G. Nerobelov et al. 10.1134/S0001433822060123
- A roadmap to estimating agricultural ammonia volatilization over Europe using satellite observations and simulation data R. Abeed et al. 10.5194/acp-23-12505-2023
- Validation of MUSES NH3 observations from AIRS and CrIS against aircraft measurements from DISCOVER-AQ and a surface network in the Magic Valley K. Cady-Pereira et al. 10.5194/amt-17-15-2024
- Diurnal evolution of total column and surface atmospheric ammonia in the megacity of Paris, France, during an intense springtime pollution episode R. Kutzner et al. 10.5194/acp-21-12091-2021
- The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database I. Gordon et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107949
- Ammonia and PM2.5 Air Pollution in Paris during the 2020 COVID Lockdown C. Viatte et al. 10.3390/atmos12020160
- Multiscale observations of NH3 around Toronto, Canada S. Yamanouchi et al. 10.5194/amt-14-905-2021
- Emissions Reduction of Greenhouse Gases, Ozone Precursors, Aerosols and Acidifying Gases from Road Transportation during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Colombia Y. Camargo-Caicedo et al. 10.3390/app11041458
10 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Do alternative inventories converge on the spatiotemporal representation of spring ammonia emissions in France? A. Fortems-Cheiney et al. 10.5194/acp-20-13481-2020
- Measurement report: Evolution and distribution of NH3 over Mexico City from ground-based and satellite infrared spectroscopic measurements B. Herrera et al. 10.5194/acp-22-14119-2022
- Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements of the Total Ammonia Content in the Vicinity of St. Petersburg G. Nerobelov et al. 10.1134/S0001433822060123
- A roadmap to estimating agricultural ammonia volatilization over Europe using satellite observations and simulation data R. Abeed et al. 10.5194/acp-23-12505-2023
- Validation of MUSES NH3 observations from AIRS and CrIS against aircraft measurements from DISCOVER-AQ and a surface network in the Magic Valley K. Cady-Pereira et al. 10.5194/amt-17-15-2024
- Diurnal evolution of total column and surface atmospheric ammonia in the megacity of Paris, France, during an intense springtime pollution episode R. Kutzner et al. 10.5194/acp-21-12091-2021
- The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database I. Gordon et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107949
- Ammonia and PM2.5 Air Pollution in Paris during the 2020 COVID Lockdown C. Viatte et al. 10.3390/atmos12020160
- Multiscale observations of NH3 around Toronto, Canada S. Yamanouchi et al. 10.5194/amt-14-905-2021
- Emissions Reduction of Greenhouse Gases, Ozone Precursors, Aerosols and Acidifying Gases from Road Transportation during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Colombia Y. Camargo-Caicedo et al. 10.3390/app11041458
Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
Short summary
We present some results about ammonia pollution because NH3, mainly emitted by agricultural activities, is a precursor of fine particles. This study is based on the first multiyear time series (2009–2017) of atmospheric NH3 ground-based measurements over the Paris megacity. This pollutant varies seasonally by 2 orders of magnitude, especially in spring. We highlight that this kind of instrument could be easily installed and is very useful for analyzing NH3 in other megacities or source regions.
We present some results about ammonia pollution because NH3, mainly emitted by agricultural...