Articles | Volume 13, issue 10
Research article
06 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2020

A tropopause-related climatological a priori profile for IASI-SOFRID ozone retrievals: improvements and validation

Brice Barret, Emanuele Emili, and Eric Le Flochmoen


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Short summary
The IASI satellite sensor is used to document the variability and evolution of tropospheric ozone (O3). IASI O3 retrievals generally use a single a priori profile which can be responsible for biases and too-low variability. We have therefore implemented a dynamical a priori profile based on pixel location, month and tropopause height. Comparison with 10 years of global ozonesonde profiles shows large improvements in the retrieved tropospheric O3, with biases corrected and enhanced variabilities.