Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
20 May 2021
Research article |  | 20 May 2021

Multifrequency radar observations of clouds and precipitation including the G-band

Katia Lamer, Mariko Oue, Alessandro Battaglia, Richard J. Roy, Ken B. Cooper, Ranvir Dhillon, and Pavlos Kollias

Data sets

Stony Brook Radar Observatory radar and lidar data for February 25, 2020 M. Oue and K. Lamer

Observed Sounding Archive J. Hart and R. Thompson

Short summary
Observations collected during the 25 February 2020 deployment of the VIPR at the Stony Brook Radar Observatory clearly demonstrate the potential of G-band radars for cloud and precipitation research. The field experiment, which coordinated an X-, Ka-, W- and G-band radar, revealed that the differential reflectivity from Ka–G band pair provides larger signals than the traditional Ka–W pairing underpinning an increased sensitivity to smaller amounts of liquid and ice water mass and sizes.