Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
25 May 2021
Research article |  | 25 May 2021

Spectral calibration of the MethaneAIR instrument

Carly Staebell, Kang Sun, Jenna Samra, Jonathan Franklin, Christopher Chan Miller, Xiong Liu, Eamon Conway, Kelly Chance, Scott Milligan, and Steven Wofsy

Data sets

Spectral calibration data for MethaneAIR K. Sun

Model code and software

Kang-Sun-CfA/Methane K. Sun

Short summary
Given the high global warming potential of CH4, the identification and subsequent reduction of anthropogenic CH4 emissions presents a significant opportunity for climate change mitigation. Satellites are an integral piece of this puzzle, providing data to quantify emissions at a variety of spatial scales. This work presents the spectral calibration of MethaneAIR, the airborne instrument used as a test bed for the forthcoming MethaneSAT satellite.