Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
28 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 28 Mar 2022

Fill dynamics and sample mixing in the AirCore

Pieter Tans

Data sets

NOAA AirCore atmospheric sampling profiles Bianca Bayer, Colm Sweeney, Pieter Tans, Tim Newberger, Jack Higgs, Sonja Wolter, and NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

Model code and software

Source IDL code and example graphics output for analysis of AirCore flights Pieter Tans

Short summary
The AirCore collects a continuous air sample in a long tube that can be read later when the captured air is slowly pushed through an analyzer. Much of the variation of gas composition encountered during collection is preserved, like having up to ~ 100 separate air samples. This is illustrated through examples of actual flights, and the analysis algorithm is described. The AirCore provides access to air as high as the mid stratosphere, enabling validation for satellite air composition soundings.