Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
06 May 2022
Research article |  | 06 May 2022

The polarimetric characteristics of dust with irregular shapes: evaluation of the spheroid model for single particles

Jie Luo, Zhengqiang Li, Cheng Fan, Hua Xu, Ying Zhang, Weizhen Hou, Lili Qie, Haoran Gu, Mengyao Zhu, Yinna Li, and Kaitao Li

Data sets Jie Luo

Model code and software

DDSCAT: Light Scattering Code Bruce T. Draine and Piotr J. Flatau

T-Matrix Codes for Computing Electromagnetic Scattering by Nonspherical and Aggregated Particles Michael I. Mishchenko, Larry D. Travis, and Daniel W. Mackowski

Short summary
A single model is difficult to represent various shapes of dust. We proposed a tunable model to represent dust with various shapes. Two tunable parameters were used to represent the effects of the erosion degree and binding forces from the mass center. Thus, the model can represent various dust shapes by adjusting the tunable parameters. Besides, the applicability of the spheroid model in calculating the optical properties and polarimetric characteristics is evaluated.