Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
24 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2022

Moderate spectral resolution solar irradiance measurements, aerosol optical depth, and solar transmission, from 360 to 1070 nm, using the refurbished rotating shadow band spectroradiometer (RSS)

Joseph J. Michalsky and Peter W. Kiedron

Data sets

Quality-controlled data J. J. Michalsky

Index of /aftp/user/michalsky/asked_for_stuff/ J. J. Michalsky

Short summary
This paper describes an instrument that measures spectrally from 360 nm (ultraviolet) to 1070 nm (near-infrared) at 1002 separate wavelengths. The measurements were made every minute from the late summer of 2009 to the winter of 2014 at a site in northern Oklahoma (USA; 36.605° N, 97.486° W). Methods are described that enable the normalized transmission across the spectrum to be measured and, subsequently, used to calculate the aerosol optical depth and spectra irradiance.