Articles | Volume 16, issue 11
Research article
15 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 15 Jun 2023

An explicit formulation for the retrieval of the overlap function in an elastic and Raman aerosol lidar

Adolfo Comerón, Constantino Muñoz-Porcar, Alejandro Rodríguez-Gómez, Michaël Sicard, Federico Dios, Cristina Gil-Díaz, Daniel Camilo Fortunato dos Santos Oliveira, and Francesc Rocadenbosch

Data sets

Calibrated signals used for overlap retrievals Adolfo Comerón Tejero, Constantino Muñoz Porcar, Alejandro Antonio Rodríguez Gómez, Michaël Sicard, Víctor Federico Dios Otín, Cristina Gil Díaz, Daniel Camilo Fortunato dos Santos Oliveira, and Francisco Rocadenbosch Burillo

Short summary
We derive an explicit (i.e., non-iterative) formula for the retrieval of the overlap function in an aerosol lidar with both elastic and Raman N2 and/or O2 channels used for independent measurements of aerosol backscatter and extinction coefficients. The formula requires only the measured, range-corrected elastic and the corresponding Raman signals, plus an assumed lidar ratio. We assess the influence of the lidar ratio error in the overlap function retrieval and present retrieval examples.