Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Research article
30 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 30 Jun 2023

Reducing errors on estimates of the carbon uptake period based on time series of atmospheric CO2

Theertha Kariyathan, Ana Bastos, Julia Marshall, Wouter Peters, Pieter Tans, and Markus Reichstein

Data sets

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, 1968-2019 E. Dlugokencky, J. W. Mund, A. M. Crotwell, M. J. Crotwell, and K. W. Thoning

Model code and software

Reducing errors on estimates of the carbon uptake period based on time series of atmospheric CO2 T. Kariyathan

Short summary
The timing and duration of the carbon uptake period (CUP) are sensitive to the occurrence of major phenological events, which are influenced by recent climate change. This study presents an ensemble-based approach for quantifying the timing and duration of the CUP and their uncertainty when derived from atmospheric CO2 measurements with noise and gaps. The CUP metrics derived with the approach are more robust and have less uncertainty than when estimated with the conventional methods.