Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Research article
19 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2023

Acquiring high-resolution wind measurements by modifying radiosonde sounding procedures

Jens Faber, Michael Gerding, and Torsten Köpnick

Data sets

Data sets, software and CAD drawings related to the following research article: Acquiring high-resolution wind measurements by modifying radiosonde sounding procedures Jens Faber, Michael Gerding, and Torsten Köpnick

Short summary
Weather forecasters around the world use uncrewed balloons to measure wind and temperature for their weather models. In these measurements, wind is recorded from the shift of the balloon by the moving air. However, the balloons and the measurement devices also move by themselves in still air. This creates artificial wind measurements that are normally removed from the data. We show new techniques to avoid these movements and increase the altitude resolution of the wind measurement by 6 times.