Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2024

Measurement uncertainties of scanning microwave radiometers and their influence on temperature profiling

Tobias Böck, Bernhard Pospichal, and Ulrich Löhnert

Model code and software

Ground-based microwave radiometer reprocessing mwr_pro Ulrich Löhnert

Radiative Transfer Model for MATLAB Mario Mech and Ulrich Löhnert

Short summary
In this study, measurement uncertainties from microwave radiometers and their impact on temperature profiling are analyzed. These measurement uncertainties include horizontal inhomogeneities of the atmosphere, pointing errors or tilts of the instrument, physical obstacles which are in the line of sight of the radiometer, and radio frequency interferences. Impacts on temperature profiles from these uncertainties are usually small in real-life scenarios and when obstacles are far enough away.