Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
24 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 24 Jun 2024

Revealing halos concealed by cirrus clouds

Yuji Ayatsuka

Data sets

Photos data for "Revealing Halos Concealed by CIrrus Clouds" Yuji Ayatsuka

Model code and software

y-ayatsuka/SkyColorRegression: SCR20230310 Yuji Ayatsuka

Short summary
Many types of halos appear in the sky. Each type of halo reflects the state of the atmosphere; therefore observing them from the ground greatly helps in understanding the state of the atmosphere. However, halos are easily obscured by the contrast of the cloud itself, making it difficult to observe them. This study describes the construction of a sky-color model for halos and a new effective algorithm to reveal halos in images.