Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Research article
19 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 19 Aug 2024

The Far-INfrarEd Spectrometer for Surface Emissivity (FINESSE) – Part 1: Instrument description and level 1 radiances

Jonathan E. Murray, Laura Warwick, Helen Brindley, Alan Last, Patrick Quigley, Andy Rochester, Alexander Dewar, and Daniel Cummins


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Short summary
The Far INfrarEd Spectrometer for Surface Emissivity, FINESSE, is designed to measure the ability of natural surfaces to emit infrared radiation. FINESSE combines a commercial instrument with custom-built optics to view a surface from different angles with complementary views of the sky. Its choice of internal components means it can cover a wide range of wavelengths, extending into the far-infrared. We characterize FINESSE’s uncertainty budget and provide examples of its measurement capability.