Articles | Volume 17, issue 19
Research article
07 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 07 Oct 2024

Evaluation of a reduced-pressure chemical ion reactor utilizing adduct ionization for the detection of gaseous organic and inorganic species

Matthieu Riva, Veronika Pospisilova, Carla Frege, Sebastien Perrier, Priyanka Bansal, Spiro Jorga, Patrick Sturm, Joel A. Thornton, Urs Rohner, and Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker


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Short summary
We present a newly designed reduced-pressure chemical ionization reactor for detection of gas-phase organic and inorganic species. The system operates through the combined use of vacuum ultraviolet ionization and photosensitizers to generate numerous adduct ionization schemes. As a result, it offers the ability to simultaneously measure a wide variety of organic and inorganic species in terms of compound volatility and functionality, while being largely independent of changes in sample humidity.