Articles | Volume 3, issue 6
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© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under
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Inherent calibration of a blue LED-CE-DOAS instrument to measure iodine oxide, glyoxal, methyl glyoxal, nitrogen dioxide, water vapour and aerosol extinction in open cavity mode
R. Thalman
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA
R. Volkamer
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Boulder, CO, 80309, USA
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112 citations as recorded by crossref.
- A ship-lock-type reactor for ion–molecule reactions of mass-selected ions under high-pressure conditions G. Wei et al. 10.1063/5.0059570
- An aircraft based three channel broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of NO3, N2O5 and NO2 O. Kennedy et al. 10.5194/amt-4-1759-2011
- Aqueous phase oxidation of sulphur dioxide by ozone in cloud droplets C. Hoyle et al. 10.5194/acp-16-1693-2016
- Development of a portable cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for the measurement of ambient NO3 and N2O5: experimental setup, lab characterizations, and field applications in a polluted urban environment H. Wang et al. 10.5194/amt-10-1465-2017
- An IBBCEAS system for atmospheric measurements of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in the presence of high NO2 concentrations J. Liu et al. 10.5194/amt-12-4439-2019
- Quantification of iodine monoxide based on incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy H. Zhang et al. 10.7498/aps.70.20210312
- Modeling the weekly cycle of NOx and CO emissions and their impacts on O3 in the Los Angeles‐South Coast Air Basin during the CalNex 2010 field campaign S. Kim et al. 10.1002/2015JD024292
- Development of an incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for measurements of ambient glyoxal and NO2 in a polluted urban environment S. Liang et al. 10.5194/amt-12-2499-2019
- Monitoring Ambient Nitrate Radical by Open-Path Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy H. Wang & K. Lu 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01971
- Development of an open-path incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced spectroscopy based instrument for simultaneous measurement of HONO and NO2 in ambient air T. Wu et al. 10.1007/s00340-011-4818-3
- Incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy for measurements of HONO and NO2 with a LED optical source . Ling Liu-Yi et al. 10.7498/aps.61.140703
- Cavity enhanced spectroscopy for measurement of nitrogen oxides in the Anthropocene: results from the Seoul tower during MAPS 2015 S. Brown et al. 10.1039/C7FD00001D
- Quantification of gas-phase glyoxal and methylglyoxal via the Laser-Induced Phosphorescence of (methyl)GLyOxal Spectrometry (LIPGLOS) Method S. Henry et al. 10.5194/amt-5-181-2012
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- Photonic sensing of the atmosphere by absorption spectroscopy X. Cui et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.11.008
- A dual-channel incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for sensitive atmospheric NOx measurements A. Pakkattil et al. 10.1039/D1AN00132A
- A concentration retrieval method for incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy based on O2-O2 absorption . Ling Liu-Yi et al. 10.7498/aps.64.130705
- Detection of nitrous acid in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR using open-path incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy and extractive long-path absorption photometry S. Dixneuf et al. 10.5194/amt-15-945-2022
- Atmospheric ozone concentration measurement by UV light-emitting diode radiation absorption I. Nikolaev et al. 10.3103/S106833561302005X
- Measurements of the Absorption Cross Section of13CHO13CHO at Visible Wavelengths and Application to DOAS Retrievals N. Goss et al. 10.1021/jp511357s
- Thermal dissociation cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for measuring NO2, RO2NO2, and RONO2 in the atmosphere C. Li et al. 10.5194/amt-14-4033-2021
- Detection of Sulfur Dioxide by Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS) R. Thalman et al. 10.3390/s22072626
- The first airborne comparison of N2O5 measurements over the UK using a CIMS and BBCEAS during the RONOCO campaign M. Le Breton et al. 10.1039/C4AY02273D
- Design of a Novel Open-Path Aerosol Extinction Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer T. Gordon et al. 10.1080/02786826.2015.1066753
- Light extinction by secondary organic aerosol: an intercomparison of three broadband cavity spectrometers R. Varma et al. 10.5194/amt-6-3115-2013
- Absolute ozone absorption cross section in the Huggins Chappuis minimum (350–470 nm) at 296 K J. Axson et al. 10.5194/acp-11-11581-2011
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- New particle formation from isoprene under upper-tropospheric conditions J. Shen et al. 10.1038/s41586-024-08196-0
- Complex refractive indices in the ultraviolet and visible spectral region for highly absorbing non-spherical biomass burning aerosol C. Womack et al. 10.5194/acp-21-7235-2021
- Development and Application of Cavity-based Absorption Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Chemistry: Recent Progress W. Zhao et al. 10.1007/s00376-024-4209-4
- Release of Nitrous Acid and Nitrogen Dioxide from Nitrate Photolysis in Acidic Aqueous Solutions N. Scharko et al. 10.1021/es503088x
- Measurements of diurnal variations and eddy covariance (EC) fluxes of glyoxal in the tropical marine boundary layer: description of the Fast LED-CE-DOAS instrument S. Coburn et al. 10.5194/amt-7-3579-2014
- Improving the accuracy and precision of broadband optical cavity measurements J. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.saa.2019.04.015
- The glyoxal budget and its contribution to organic aerosol for Los Angeles, California, during CalNex 2010 R. Washenfelder et al. 10.1029/2011JD016314
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- A broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for aircraft measurements of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, nitrous acid, nitrogen dioxide, and water vapor K. Min et al. 10.5194/amt-9-423-2016
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110 citations as recorded by crossref.
- A ship-lock-type reactor for ion–molecule reactions of mass-selected ions under high-pressure conditions G. Wei et al. 10.1063/5.0059570
- An aircraft based three channel broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of NO3, N2O5 and NO2 O. Kennedy et al. 10.5194/amt-4-1759-2011
- Aqueous phase oxidation of sulphur dioxide by ozone in cloud droplets C. Hoyle et al. 10.5194/acp-16-1693-2016
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- An IBBCEAS system for atmospheric measurements of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in the presence of high NO2 concentrations J. Liu et al. 10.5194/amt-12-4439-2019
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- Quantitative IBBCEAS measurements of I2 in the presence of aerosols O. Johansson et al. 10.1007/s00340-013-5536-9
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