Research article
17 Oct 2012
Research article |
17 Oct 2012
Retrieval of tropospheric CO column from hyperspectral infrared sounders – application to four years of Aqua/AIRS and MetOp-A/IASI
T. Thonat, C. Crevoisier, N. A. Scott, A. Chédin, T. Schuck, R. Armante, and L. Crépeau
Total article views: 3,115 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
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Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 May 2012)
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(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 May 2012)
Total article views: 2,441 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
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108 |
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120 |
89 |
- HTML: 1,384
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- BibTeX: 120
- EndNote: 89
Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 17 Oct 2012)
Cumulative views and downloads
(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 17 Oct 2012)
Total article views: 674 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
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674 |
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15 |
- HTML: 252
- PDF: 396
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- Total: 674
- BibTeX: 23
- EndNote: 15
Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 May 2012)
Cumulative views and downloads
(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 31 May 2012)
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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024