Research article
01 Feb 2012
Research article |
01 Feb 2012
Correcting orbital drift signal in the time series of AVHRR derived convective cloud fraction using rotated empirical orthogonal function
A. Devasthale, K.-G. Karlsson, J. Quaas, and H. Grassl
Total article views: 3,164 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
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EndNote |
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3,164 |
154 |
119 |
- HTML: 1,814
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- Total: 3,164
- BibTeX: 154
- EndNote: 119
Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 21 Jun 2011)
Cumulative views and downloads
(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 21 Jun 2011)
Total article views: 2,473 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
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BibTeX |
EndNote |
1,461 |
912 |
100 |
2,473 |
132 |
109 |
- HTML: 1,461
- PDF: 912
- XML: 100
- Total: 2,473
- BibTeX: 132
- EndNote: 109
Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 01 Feb 2012)
Cumulative views and downloads
(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 01 Feb 2012)
Total article views: 691 (including HTML, PDF, and XML)
Total |
BibTeX |
EndNote |
353 |
314 |
24 |
691 |
22 |
10 |
- HTML: 353
- PDF: 314
- XML: 24
- Total: 691
- BibTeX: 22
- EndNote: 10
Views and downloads (calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 21 Jun 2011)
Cumulative views and downloads
(calculated since 01 Feb 2013, article published on 21 Jun 2011)
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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024