Articles | Volume 7, issue 12
Research article
18 Dec 2014
Research article |  | 18 Dec 2014

Intercomparison of stratospheric gravity wave observations with AIRS and IASI

L. Hoffmann, M. J. Alexander, C. Clerbaux, A. W. Grimsdell, C. I. Meyer, T. Rößler, and B. Tournier


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Short summary
We present stratospheric gravity wave observations from 4.3 micron radiance measurements by the nadir sounders AIRS and IASI. Three case studies demonstrate that AIRS and IASI provide a consistent picture of the temporal development of individual gravity wave events. Statistical comparisons based on five years of data (2008-2012) also showed similar patterns of gravity wave activity. Long-term records from combined satellite data are an exciting prospect for future gravity wave research.