Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
Research article
21 May 2015
Research article |  | 21 May 2015

A theoretical study of the effect of subsurface oceanic bubbles on the enhanced aerosol optical depth band over the southern oceans as detected from MODIS and MISR

M. Christensen, J. Zhang, J. S. Reid, X. Zhang, E. J. Hyer, and A. Smirnov


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Short summary
Submerged oceanic bubbles, which could have a much longer life span than whitecaps or bubble rafts, have been hypothesized to increase the water-leaving radiance and thus affect satellite-based estimates of water-leaving radiance to non-trivial levels. This study explores this effect further to determine if such bubbles are of sufficient magnitude to impact satellite aerosol optical depth retrievals through perturbation of the lower boundary conditions.