Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Research article
13 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 13 Aug 2015

Observations of precipitable water vapour over complex topography of Ethiopia from ground-based GPS, FTIR, radiosonde and ERA-Interim reanalysis

G. Mengistu Tsidu, T. Blumenstock, and F. Hase


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Short summary
Intercomparison of precipitable water vapour from ERA-Interim, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, GPS and radiosonde over complex topography of Ethiopia was made for the first time over a data-void region of eastern Africa. The study reveals weakness of ERA-Interim reanalysis in capturing diurnal and to some extent seasonal variabilities. The weakness can be improved through additional data assimilation, adaptation of convection and land surface modules to the reality in the region.