Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Research article
18 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 18 Aug 2015

Hyphenation of a EC / OC thermal–optical carbon analyzer to photo-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: an off-line aerosol mass spectrometric approach for characterization of primary and secondary particulate matter

J. Diab, T. Streibel, F. Cavalli, S. C. Lee, H. Saathoff, A. Mamakos, J. C. Chow, L.-W. A. Chen, J. G. Watson, O. Sippula, and R. Zimmermann


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Short summary
This paper depicts several fields of application of a new analytical method, which expands the well-established EC/OC method, which enables one to measure the carbon content (organic and elemental) of particulate aerosols. It was coupled to photo-ionization mass spectrometry to get structural information of the evolving carbonaceous species. Application fields such as smoke chamber-, ambient - and wood combustion particles were addressed, covering exemplary primary and secondary aerosol sources.