Articles | Volume 8, issue 10
Research article
02 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 02 Oct 2015

Uncertainties of satellite-derived surface skin temperatures in the polar oceans: MODIS, AIRS/AMSU, and AIRS only

H.-J. Kang, J.-M. Yoo, M.-J. Jeong, and Y.-I. Won


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Short summary
Uncertainties in the satellite-derived surface skin temperature (SST) data in the polar oceans during two periods (Apr. 16-24, Sep. 15-23) of 2003-2014 were investigated and the following three data sets were intercompared: MODIS IST, the SST of AIRS/AMSU-A and AIRS only. There was a systematic disagreement between the three data sets at the boundary of the sea ice possibly due to the surface classification method. The temperature disagreement had an impact on the resulting temperature trends.