Articles | Volume 9, issue 8
© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Relationship between temperature and apparent shape of pristine ice crystals derived from polarimetric cloud radar observations during the ACCEPT campaign
Alexander Myagkov
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Permoserstr. 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany
Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 4, 53340 Meckenheim, Germany
Patric Seifert
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Permoserstr. 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany
Ulla Wandinger
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Permoserstr. 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany
Johannes Bühl
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Permoserstr. 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany
Ronny Engelmann
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Permoserstr. 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany
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32 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Supercooled Liquid Water Detection Capabilities from Ka-Band Doppler Profiling Radars: Moment-Based Algorithm Formulation and Assessment P. Kalogeras et al. 10.3390/rs13152891
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- Analysis of the microphysical properties of snowfall using scanning polarimetric and vertically pointing multi-frequency Doppler radars M. Oue et al. 10.5194/amt-14-4893-2021
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- Ice crystal characterization in cirrus clouds: a sun-tracking camera system and automated detection algorithm for halo displays L. Forster et al. 10.5194/amt-10-2499-2017
- Identifying cloud droplets beyond lidar attenuation from vertically pointing cloud radar observations using artificial neural networks W. Schimmel et al. 10.5194/amt-15-5343-2022
- Evaluation of the reflectivity calibration of W-band radars based on observations in rain A. Myagkov et al. 10.5194/amt-13-5799-2020
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- Impact of vertical air motions on ice formation rate in mixed-phase cloud layers J. Bühl et al. 10.1038/s41612-019-0092-6
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32 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Toward Exploring the Synergy Between Cloud Radar Polarimetry and Doppler Spectral Analysis in Deep Cold Precipitating Systems in the Arctic M. Oue et al. 10.1002/2017JD027717
- Supercooled Liquid Water Detection Capabilities from Ka-Band Doppler Profiling Radars: Moment-Based Algorithm Formulation and Assessment P. Kalogeras et al. 10.3390/rs13152891
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Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
Short summary
This paper presents first quantitative estimations of ice particle shape at the top of liquid-topped clouds. The estimation is based on polarimetric measurements from a Ka-band cloud radar. 22 cases observed during the ACCEPT (Analysis of the Composition of Clouds with Extended Polarization Techniques) campaign were used. Data from a free-fall chamber were used for the comparison. A good agreement of detected shapes with known shape–temperature dependencies observed in laboratories was found.
This paper presents first quantitative estimations of ice particle shape at the top of...