Articles | Volume 9, issue 9
Research article
01 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 01 Sep 2016

A miniature Marine Aerosol Reference Tank (miniMART) as a compact breaking wave analogue

M. Dale Stokes, Grant Deane, Douglas B. Collins, Christopher Cappa, Timothy Bertram, Abigail Dommer, Steven Schill, Sara Forestieri, and Mathew Survilo


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Short summary
A small breaking wave and foam simulator has been fabricated that allows the continuous analysis of the produced marine aerosols. Based on the original Marine Aerosol Reference Tank (MART) the miniature version allows the culturing of delicate planktonic organisms because it operates without a large, sheer-inducing pump. This allows the study of marine aerosol production and the effects of biologically controlled seawater chemistry under controlled and repeatable experimental conditions.